Sellador yodado de pezones para después del ordeño

Iod Pro

Iod Pro, Sellador yodado de pezones para después del ordeño


Producto viscoso a base de povidona yodada y emolientes para el tratamiento post-ordeño de pezones. Forma un film protector aséptico contra suciedad y microorganismos que ayuda a sellar el pezón previniendo infecciones. Contiene suavizantes que evitan irritaciones.

Dosis y forma de empleo
Se aplica puro por immersión. Eliminar los restos del producto antes del siguiente ordeño.
Datos técnicos
Aspecto: Líquido marró.
pH: 4.7 +/- 0.3.
Componentes principales
Contiene povidona yodada, emolientes.
20 kg.
Precauciones de utilización o manipulación
H319 Provoca irritación ocular grave.
H412 Nocivo para los organismos acuáticos, con efectos duraderos.
P102 Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños.
P337+P313 Si persiste la irritación ocular: Consultar a un médico.
P280C Llevar guantes, prendas y gafas de protección.
P305+P351+P338 EN CASO DE CONTACTO CON LOS OJOS: Enjuagar con agua cuidadosamente durante varios minutos. Quitar las lentes de contacto cuando estén presentes y pueda hacerse con facilidad. Proseguir con el lavado.
P273 Evitar su liberación al medio ambiente.
P501b Eliminar el contenido/el recipiente mediante entrega en un punto de recogida separada de residuos peligrosos habilitado en su municipio.
No mezclar con otros productos químicos.


It is a highly effective viscous product developed for post-milking teat treatment. This product is formulated with povidone iodine and emollients, which together form an aseptic protective film on the teats. This film helps to seal the teat, preventing infection and creating a barrier against dirt and harmful micro-organisms. In addition, it contains softeners that prevent irritation and keep the teat skin in optimal condition.

The dosage and method of use is simple and efficient. It is applied purely by dipping after milking, making sure to cover the teats completely with the product. It is important to remove any remaining product before the next milking to ensure safety and hygiene.

It has a brown liquid appearance, and thanks to its components it provides softness and protection to the teat skin.

It comes in a 20 kg package, which guarantees an adequate quantity for continuous use in the cattle industry. This product has been developed with high standards of quality and efficacy, ensuring optimal protection for the teats of cows and other milking animals.

It is a highly effective viscous product developed for post-milking teat treatment. This product is formulated with povidone iodine and emollients, which together form an aseptic protective film on the teats. This film helps to seal the teat, preventing infection and creating a barrier against dirt and harmful micro-organisms. In addition, it contains softeners that prevent irritation and keep the teat skin in optimal condition.

The dosage and method of use is simple and efficient. It is applied purely by dipping after milking, making sure to cover the teats completely with the product. It is important to remove any remaining product before the next milking to ensure safety and hygiene.

It has a brown liquid appearance, and thanks to its components it provides softness and protection to the teat skin.

It comes in a 20 kg package, which guarantees an adequate quantity for continuous use in the cattle industry. This product has been developed with high standards of quality and efficacy, ensuring optimal protection for the teats of cows and other milking animals.

Dosage and use instructions
It is applied pure by immersion. Remove the remains of the product before the next milking.
Technical data
Appearance: Brown liquid.
pH: 4.7 +/- 0.3.
Main components
Contains povidone iodine, emollients.
20 kg.
Use or handling precautions
H319 Causes serious eye irritation.
H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
P102 Keep out of reach of children.
P337+P313 If eye irritation persists: Get medical attention.
P280C Wear protective gloves, clothing and eye protection.
P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
P273 Avoid release to the environment.
P501b Dispose of contents/container to hazardous or special waste collection point.
Do not mix with other chemichals.