Alcalino, Non-foaming detergent special for aluminium utensils

Non-foaming detergent special for aluminium utensils


Alcalino, the non-foaming detergent with powerful corrosion inhibitors. This versatile product is ideal for a variety of applications, from automatic cleaning of utensils and trays to the maintenance of Tetra Pak packaging machines and floor cleaning with a scrubbing machine.

Key Features:
1. Foam-free Cleaning: Alcalino stands out for its non-foaming formula, making it perfect for applications where foam could be a problem.
2. Corrosion Protection: This detergent is formulated with corrosion inhibitors that protect surfaces and utensils, including those made of aluminum.
3. Wide Range of Applications: From utensil and tray cleaning to Tetra Pak packaging machine maintenance and floor cleaning with a scrubbing machine, Alcalino is the reliable choice.
4. Application Versatility: Easily used at a dosage between 1 and 4%, at a maximum temperature of 60°C, making it practical and effective in a variety of environments.

Usage Instructions:
1. Dilute Alcalino in water following the instructions according to the specific application.
2. Apply the solution to the surfaces or utensils you want to clean.
3. Let the product work for the necessary amount of time.
4. Rinse or remove the solution as appropriate to reveal clean and protected surfaces.

Alcalino is the smart choice to keep your equipment and surfaces in optimal hygiene and protection conditions. Trust in the effective corrosion protection that Alcalino offers and experience an exceptional level of cleanliness and care that only this product can provide.



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